Father Gabriel Richard

On September 20, 2020, Monsignor Charles Kosanke, rector of the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit, announced that Archbishop Allen Vigneron has granted the parish permission to establish a guild that will study the life and materials of Father Richard. This study will determine if there is sufficient evidence to recommend to Archbishop Vigneron that an official cause for the canonization of Father Richard be opened.

Father Gabriel Richard was a zealous pastor whose missionary heart guided all that he did. At a time when we in the Archdiocese are coming to a renewed awareness of our missionary vocation, I am grateful that we are able to raise up Father Richard as a model and inspiration for our mission today.

Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron

About Father Gabriel Richard

Born in France, Fr. Richard escaped the guillotine during the French Revolution and came to United States in 1792. He arrived in Detroit in 1798 as pastor at Ste Anne de Detroit. During the great fire of 1805, when the entire settlement was destroyed, Fr. Richard proclaimed a legendary phrase that would go on to become the motto of the city of Detroit:

SPERAMUS MELIORA RESURGET CINERIBUS - "We hope for better things. It will rise again from the ashes."

Fr. Richard brought the first printing press to the city and founded the city's first newspaper. He co-founded the University of Michigan in 1817. Preached the Gospel to all - including to Protestant congregations and Native Americans.

Fr. Richard died while ministering day and night to the sick during a cholera epidemic.

To learn more, please visit the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit's page about the life and legacy of Fr. Richard.

Frequently Asked Questions
What was announced regarding Father Gabriel Richard? | ¿Qué se anunció hoy sobre el padre Gabriel Richard?

Monsignor Charles Kosanke, rector of the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit, announced that Archbishop Vigneron has granted permission to establish a guild that will begin to gather and study the life and materials of Father Gabriel Richard. This study will determine if there is sufficient evidence to recommend to Archbishop Vigneron that an official cause for the canonization of Father Richard be opened.

Monseñor Charles Kosanke, rector de la Basílica de Ste. Anne de Detroit, anunció que el arzobispo Vigneron ha otorgado permiso para establecer una cofradía que comenzará a reunir y estudiar la vida y los materiales del padre Gabriel Richard. Este estudio determinará si hay evidencia suficiente para recomendar al arzobispo Vigneron que se abra una causa oficial para la canonización del padre Richard.

Who was Father Gabriel Richard? | ¿Quién era el padre Gabriel Richard?

Father Gabriel Richard (1767 – 1832) was a French priest who ministered in southeast Michigan from 1798 until his death in 1832. During that time, he served at. Ste. Anne Parish, brought the first printing press to Michigan and founded Detroit’s first newspaper, co-founded the University of Michigan, and served as a nonvoting delegate of the Michigan Territory to the United States House of Representatives. He was known for preaching the Gospel to all — including Protestants and Native Americans. In 1805, after a fire destroyed much of Detroit, Father Richard proclaimed a phrase that would be adopted as the motto for the City of Detroit: Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus (“We hope for better things. It will rise again from the ashes.”)

El padre Gabriel Richard (1767 - 1832) fue un sacerdote francés que fue ministro en el sureste de Michigan desde 1798 hasta su muerte en 1832. Durante ese tiempo sirvió en la Parroquia de Ste. Anne, trajo la primera imprenta a Michigan y fundó el primer periódico de Detroit, cofundó la Universidad de Michigan y se desempeñó como delegado sin derecho a voto del Territorio de Michigan en la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos. Era conocido por predicar el Evangelio a todos, incluidos los protestantes y los nativos americanos. En 1805, después de que un incendio destruyera gran parte de Detroit, el padre Richard proclamó una frase que sería adoptada como lema de la ciudad de Detroit: Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus (“Esperamos cosas mejores. Resurgirá de las cenizas”).

What is a guild? | ¿Qué es una cofradía?

A guild (sometimes referred to as a league) is an association of the faithful devoted to studying and sharing the life of a candidate for sainthood as well as raising funds to support this work and the work of an official cause for canonization, should one be opened.

Una cofradía (a veces denominada como liga) es una asociación de fieles dedicada a estudiar y compartir la vida de un candidato a la santidad, así como a recaudar fondos para apoyar este trabajo y el trabajo de una causa oficial de canonización, en caso de que se abra una.

What happens now? | ¿Qué pasará ahora?

The members of the guild will gather materials about Father Richard for study. If, after that period of study, they feel that Father Richard exhibited “heroic virtue,” they will present their research to Archbishop Vigneron for his consideration. If he agrees with their assessment, he will present the research to the other bishops of Michigan for their consideration. If they concur that Father Richard exhibited “heroic virtue,” Archbishop Vigneron will send the research to the Vatican, at which point an official cause for the canonization of Father Richard will be opened.

Los miembros de la cofradía reunirán materiales sobre el padre Richard para estudiarlos. Si, después de ese período de estudio, sienten que el padre Richard exhibió una “virtud heroica”, presentarán su investigación al arzobispo Vigneron para su consideración. Si el arzobispo está de acuerdo con su evaluación, presentará la investigación a los otros obispos de Michigan para su consideración. Si coinciden en que el padre Richard exhibió una “virtud heroica”, el arzobispo Vigneron enviará la investigación al Vaticano, momento en el que se abrirá una causa oficial para la canonización del padre Richard.

Does this mean Father Richard will be declared a saint? | ¿Significa esto que el padre Richard será declarado santo?

We are unable to say at this time.

No podemos dar una respuesta en este momento.

Are there any miracles attributed to Father Richard’s intercession? | ¿Se atribuyen milagros a la intercesión del padre Richard?

None that we are aware of. Part of the guild’s work will be to collect reports of alleged miracles attributed to the intercession of Father Richard. A complete examination of alleged miracles will take place if an official cause for Father Richard’s canonization is opened.

Ninguno que sepamos. Parte del trabajo de la cofradía será recopilar informes de supuestos milagros atribuidos a la intercesión del padre Richard. Si se abre una causa oficial para la canonización del padre Richard se llevará a cabo un examen completo de los supuestos milagros.

Will there be a church named for Father Richard? | ¿Habrá una iglesia con el nombre del padre Richard?

No. Church law dictates that churches may only be named for saints.

No. La ley de la Iglesia dicta que las iglesias solo pueden tener nombres de santos.

How long will this phase of the process take to complete? | ¿Cuánto tiempo llevará completar esta fase del proceso?

We expect this phase to take at least a year to complete. Given the amount of time that has passed since Father Richard’s death, it could take longer.

Esperamos que esta fase tarde al menos un año en completarse. Dada la cantidad de tiempo que ha pasado desde la muerte del padre Richard, podría llevar más tiempo.

If Father Richard is declared a saint, when might that happen? | Si el padre Richard es declarado santo, ¿cuándo podría suceder eso?

We are unable to say at this time.

No podemos dar una respuesta en este momento.

What are the steps involved in being declared a saint? | ¿Cuáles son los pasos necesarios para ser declarado santo?

Following research conducted by the guild, and endorsement by the bishop, an official cause for canonization is opened. When a cause is officially opened, the candidate receives the title “Servant of God.”

If the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of the Saints believes that the evidence about a candidate reveals true holiness, they will inform the Pope. If he agrees with their assessment, he will declare the candidate “Venerable.”

If it can be proved that one miracle has been granted through the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God, he or she is declared “Blessed.”

If another miracle is proved to have taken places after the declaration that the candidate is “Blessed,” he or she will be declared “Saint.”

Tras la investigación realizada por la cofradía y el respaldo del obispo, se abre una causa oficial para la canonización. Cuando se abre oficialmente una causa, el candidato recibe el título de “Siervo de Dios”.

Si la Congregación Vaticana para las Causas de los Santos cree que la evidencia sobre un candidato revela verdadera santidad, informará al Papa. Si el Papa está de acuerdo con su evaluación, declarará al candidato como “Venerable”.

Si se puede probar que un milagro ha sido otorgado por intercesión del Venerable Siervo de Dios, él o ella es declarado “Beato(a)”.

Si se demuestra que ha ocurrido otro milagro después de la declaración de que el candidato es "Beato (a)", será declarado(a) “Santo(a)”.