Prayer and Intercession Teams

Unleash the Gospel Marker 10.2

The Role of Intercessors

Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Matthew 9:38

Intercession has always been the hidden engine of the Church’s mission. It is not by accident that theco-patrons of the missions are St. Francis Xavier, who traveled as far as Japan to preach the Gospel, and St. Thérèse the Little Flower, who spent her entire adult life in a cloistered convent, offering all her prayers and sufferings for missionaries around the world. Intercessory prayer cultivates the soil for the sowing of the Word. It can stir up spiritual hunger in a whole city or region, so that the hearts of even those who are far from God are prepared to hear the Gospel when it is preached to them. One way to avail ourselves of the power of intercession is for each parish to form a prayer and intercession team to support the Pastor and his leadership team. This team is regularly informed of the parish’s evangelistic initiatives, prays specifically for their success, and receives regular updates on how their prayers are being answered.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Prayer and Intercession Team in a parish?
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How could I start a Prayer and Intercession Team at my parish?
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How many people should be on a Prayer and Intercession Team?
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Is there specific etiquette or best practices I should use when conducting Prayer and Intercession Team sessions?
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Is there a suggested outline for an Intercessory Prayer Team?
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What if I’ve talked to the pastor and was not invited to be a member of the Prayer and Intercession Team at the parish?
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What is Lectio Divina?
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How do I find out if my Parish has a Prayer and Intercession Team?
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Is there a specific format for petitions?
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How do I get involved with the Prayer and Intercession Team at my Parish?
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How do I conduct Intercessory Prayer through online video conferencing, such as Zoom Meetings?
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