Jesus is walking toward us right now

It doesn’t take Doppler radar to reveal the storms in our lives. Apart from global terrorism and local violence, every marriage experiences turmoil: mismatched expectations, needy relatives, rebellious children, mounting debt, sudden unemployment, perplexing choices, beginnings and endings full of uncertainty. Yes, we are “battered by the waves … for the wind (is) against” us (Matthew 14:24).

Peter starts out bravely toward Jesus, then loses his focus and finds himself drowning.

Walking toward Jesus. Recognizing our storms is easy. It’s much more difficult to recognize our Master, who beckons to us across those waves. In the half-light, his presence may even terrify us. We often prefer the familiarity of the storm to this unknown “ghost” who challenges us to abandon every certainty.

How brave is Peter’s response! “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you” (Matthew 14:28). Do we dare ask our Lord what bold steps we can take to move closer to him, to connect with his power, to start being his solution to the storms that batter us and those we love?

Even when we step out in faith, we’re likely to lose our focus and start sinking. We realistically assess our abilities and inadequacies and the history of our failures. We become more impressed with the gale than with his dominion over it. However, when we raise our eyes again to Jesus, we find him already reaching out his hand to catch us. Will we have more faith next time? Perhaps, but only through the experience of being rescued, forgiven, and supported.

Concrete Reminders. Many times during the day, we get “out of focus,” preoccupied with many tasks and worries, oblivious to the saving presence of Jesus. He always gives us the grace to draw closer to him and share in his work.

What helps you to refocus? Jews place mezuzahs (containing the words from Deuteronomy 6:4-5) on their doorposts as concrete reminders of who God is and what he requires of us. Perhaps a holy water font by your door serves the same purpose. Perhaps you carefully “hide” a Scripture verse or a line from a hymn in your heart at the beginning of the day, drawing it out when the need arises. Perhaps you have an icon or a favorite portrait of Jesus hanging in a spot you often pass and pause to acknowledge.

Jesus is always walking toward us across troubled waters. Are we willing to stop and refocus, to step out and move toward him?

Discussion Starters for Husbands and Wives: What is the greatest storm you are facing right now? Agree to pray together for that intention every morning or evening. You can pray aloud in your own words or recite a psalm, a memorized prayer, or a decade of the rosary.

Article used with permission from Word Among Us online Resources at