Schools — Virtus: Empowering God’s Children

school  Catholic Schools

Replacing past Safe Environments curricula

Updated 695 days ago

As indicated previously, our Safe Environments program for schools is now going to be hosted by the Virtus online platform titled Empowering God’s Children; school are required to teach 2 lessons per year.

Virtus has provided detailed information on how you may access the materials using the Educators Tab, and how you may also provide access for your teachers. They’ve also provided a short 10-minute recording that you may view and share with teachers once you have given them access to the Educators Tab. The recording contains information regarding the lessons, how to navigate the site to access resources (including resources for parents), and how to report when training has been completed.

To access the Empowering God’s Children program material, please log into your VIRTUS account and click on the Educators Tab. If you don’t remember your login information, you can recover your password by clicking on:

If you do not remember your user ID and are having difficulty logging into your account, please email

When clicking on the Educators Tab, you will have access to five unique steps:

Step 1: An Overview of the Empowering God’s Children program

Step 2: Access to the Teaching Boundaries and Safety Guide that provides best practices for employees, volunteers, caring adults, and parents, equipping on how to be better protectors of children and on how to teach children to better protect themselves

Step 3: Optout Form

Step 4: Access to the Lesson Plans – Lessons One and Two for 2022/2023

Step 5: Record Training

Here is a link to a quick overview of the functions:

Passcode: xwa#5o%!

You do have the ability to provide the Educators Tab to other accounts within your location by clicking on the Administration Tab:

Click on Users to locate a list of employees and volunteers, and then click on the needed name to fully access the account:

From here, you can scroll down, click on Special User Option, ‘This individual has access to the educator tab’, and then ‘save’ at the bottom of the page:

The user will have access to the Educators Tab, but not the Administrator Tab.

If you are unable to access the needed functionality after logging into your account, please email Pat Neal at
